Water based paint booth floor prep coat
Floor Prep Water Based prepares both new and used paint
booth floors to aid the peeling of their floor topcoats when
they are peeled during booth maintenance. Floor Prep:
- Contains high-volume solids that provide fast dry, a hard dry film and great coverage
- Provides a smooth finish on paint booth floors to prepare their surface for fast peeling of topcoats
- Seals porous concrete and scraped concrete floors toprovide a uniform surface for topcoating
- Prepares concrete patches and tightly adhering dried paint to aid the peeling of their strippable topcoats
Field tested at 150°F (65° C) for 6-8 hour cycles, intermittently, for one year. Suitable for truck and aviation booths where catalyzed low heat force cure coatings are used. Test strippability periodically in a small area to ensure easy of peel.
Minimum surface preparation includes:
- Scrape overspray accumulation and residue from the floor and patch large cracks and indentations.
- Sweep off dirt and vacuum surface to remove dust. Note: For smaller booth floors, damp mop after sweeping. Floor Prep Water Based coverage is related to the surface condition and smoothness of the booth floor.
- Apply only enough Floor Prep to leave a low sheen appearance on the floor to keep the recoating interval of the topcoat to a minimum.
- To keep the recoating interval of the topcoat to a minimum, apply only enough prep coat to leave a low sheen appearance on the floor.
- Reapply in areas where the floor is not glossy, or over patches and dried paint.
Apply when the air, product and surface temperatures are above 60°F(15°C) and at least 5°F (3°C) above the dew point. The size of the floor and time to cover it determine equipment selection. For aviation and large industrial booths, airless spray is preferred. Smaller booths can be done with pressure tanks or rollers
Floor Prep Water Based (when applied at 0.75 mils dft) can be coated with Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coating after drying for 30 minutes at 77° F (25° C) and 50 percent relative humidity
Dry times will be extended by high humidity, cold temperatures, increased film thickness and the temperature of the floor. Increase air circulation and turn on exhaust fans to assist drying rate. Heated booths should be brought up to normal operating temperature.
Floor Prep is water based, but the dried film will degrade upon water contact. Topcoat only with Peelable White Solvent Based Floor coatings. Clean dry film with water.
Clean equipment with warm, soapy water until clean. Spills can be cleaned up with rags and disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.
Protect from freezing.
- Do not take internally
- Wetting surface before topcoating may create a slip hazard and should be avoided
- Close container after each use
- For industrial use only
- Consult Floor Prep Water Based safety data sheet (SDS) for addtional warnings and precautions